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  • you gotta eat

  • Dining Out for Life is TONIGHT!

    Yeah, it’s wet. Yeah, it’s a drag. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    Come on! Pull on your rubbers and hustle on over to Bouchon or Creperie Bouchon for a very special event—Dining Out for Life is today!

    The Crêperie’s been open since 11 am, and stays open continuously until 11 pm tonight. While our gorgeous courtyard might be dampish, did you know there were tables INSIDE the Crêperie?? Jen and her crew are just waiting to show you the cool new changes at the Crêperie—especially the new bar!

    Bouchon opens at 5 and if you have to wait, have a glass of wine on our covered side patio-you’ll stay dry.

    Dining Out for Life benefits one of our community’s most worthwhile agencies-WNCAP-Western North Carolina AIDS Project. They support those among us living with AIDS and their families.

    Find out more about them here:

    Thank you & à bientôt!

    Michel Baudouin