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  • We Care

  • We love recycling. Even before the current glass recycling ordinance, we recycled our wine bottles. We also recycle plastic, metal and cardboard.

    And, we compost all raw vegetal material—Michel carts it home to use in his garden!

    We care about your health, too. Our most recent Buncombe County Health Department sanitation rating is 100%!

  • Michel Baudouin Owner/Chef

    Michel Baudouin, Chef-Owner of Bouchon, started life in a 200-year-old farmhouse in France’s Rhône Valley. His affinity for fine food and wine comes naturally-his father, Emile, was the village’s premier amateur winemaker. Mother Antonia’s way with a roast duck had neighbors and friends “coincidentally” dropping by at dinner time every Sunday.

    Michel’s successes in the restaurant business began over twenty years ago in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. His previous ventures include Michel Restaurant (cited by Esquire magazine as one of the nation’s top 50 restaurants), Le Chardonnay, (recognized by Gourmet and Wine Spectator magazines, in addition to many local honors) and Encore, named a “Best New” restaurant by D magazine.

    Michel, wife Vonciel and their youngest, daughter Fuller, moved to Asheville from Fort Worth, Texas after falling in love with the place on a visit. Fuller graduated from Asheville High in 2009. She occasionally helps out at Bouchon. After spending her freshman year at AB Tech, Fuller enrolled at UNCA this fall.

    In this picture: Obi, Paul, Fuller & Ben

    The Baudouins are still represented in Texas with older sons, Paul and Benjamin, who live in Austin and Lubbock, respectively. They come to the western North Carolina mountains as often as they can. Paul graduated from TCU in 2007 and Benjamin is a senior at Texas Tech.

    The Baudouin family also includes Dinah, the ninja assassin cat, who was adopted from the Asheville Humane Society in December of 2009.

    The Baudouins’ first cocker, Kappy, is the dog painted on the wall leading to the patio at Bouchon. He was a very good boy.

    Our beloved Obi recently passed away after an accident. Obi was featured in the 2010 Halloween Dog Fest poster and we miss his funny eccentricity.

    More members of the Baudouin menagerie include six hens, a dozen goldfish and a pilot snake who has forced himself on them.

  • We work with some great folks

    We are very proud of our low turnover rate in a business known for burn-out. Michel attributes it to two philosophies:

    • We take our work seriously, we don’t take ourselves seriously
    • Work with me, not for me.

    Works for us!

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